Premier - Local Chiropractor

  • Thumb Arthritis

    Thumb arthritis is when the cartilage in the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint wears away and creates pain. The pain felt most often occurs at the base of the thumb and can be triggered after periods of increased joint use, where gripping, pinching or grasping takes place.

  • Thumb arthritis surgery and treatment

    Symptoms from arthritis at the base of the thumb usually come on slowly, although some patients experience it rather abruptly. They may be doing an activity that causes some impact in the thumb, they may fall onto their thumb, and all of a sudden their thumb is sore, only to see their doctor and be given a diagnosis of arthritis.


    It’s probably been there for years and was probably asymptomatic. But usually it’s a slow onset that gets worse over time. Patients experience this as described merely with pinching activities, and eventually it becomes intolerable.

Premier - Local Orthopaedic Surgeon

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