Premier - Local Orthopaedic Surgeon

  • Hockey Injuries

    The most common hockey injuries include:

    • AC joint (shoulder)
    • ACL strains or tears.
  • What is a Sports Hernia in Relation to Hockey

    A sports hernia is essentially a weakening of the lower abdominal wall – the muscles and the tendons in the area above the groin.Unlike a typical inlingual hernia that many athletes face, there is no outpouching of the abdomen into the hernia sac, if you will. Rather, it occurs in a place where the abdominal wall is too thin, where the tissue is too thin.


    It can be experienced as a pull to the groin, essentially. An athlete who presents with sports hernia often presents with a slow onset of aching, dull pain in the lower abdomen, in the groin.

Premier - Local Chiropractor

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