Premier - Local Chiropractor

  • What are Skiing Injuries

    Knee injuries are very common, particularly injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament. Because skiers frequently put their arms out to break a fall, shoulder injuries — such as dislocations and sprains — often occur. Fractures around the shoulder and lower leg are common.

  • ACL injuries in skiing

    ACL injuries are very common in skiing, and an ACL injury is a partial or full tear of a ligament that is inside of your knee and this can happen from a bending and twisting motion, okay.


    Usually you feel a big stretch on your knee or if it’s completely torn you hear a pop or a snap and that will sort of come on with swelling as well. It is going to be painful to weight bear on your knee, it feels quite unstable when you try to put your weight on it.

Premier - Local Personal Trainer

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