Premier - Local Athletic Therapist

  • Patella Dislocation

    Patellar subluxation is a partial dislocation of the kneecap (patella). It’s also known as patellar instability or kneecap instability. The kneecap is a small protective bone that attaches near the bottom of your thigh bone (femur)

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    <p>Dr. Jas Chahal, MD, MSc., FRCSC, Orthopaedic Surgeon, discusses The Facts You Need to Know About a Patella Dislocation Knee Injury</p>

    Dr. Jas Chahal, MD, MSc., FRCSC, Orthopaedic Surgeon, discusses The Facts You Need to Know About a Patella Dislocation Knee Injury

  • Treatment Options For Knee Pain Associated to Articular Cartilage Damage

    When doctors contact patients with articular cartilage problems in the knee, usually what they hear about is swelling in the knee, pain, and limitations in function, and that can be in simple everyday activities, or it can be limitations in more advanced activities like sports and work-related function.


    Each situation is unique and that’s important to remember, and a lot of what patients have to tell their physician relates to where they’re coming from in terms of their physiological age, their chronological age, their lifestyle, and what their expectations are, and where they want to return.




Premier - Local Physiotherapist

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